At some point, usually around junior year of college, all men start to realize they need to look good to get and hold down a job. So, you start shopping around for clothes. You start reading blogs like this one. You find a place with a haircut you like, and you stick with that place.
And you should do the same thing with a tailor. Find one you trust and hitch yourself to that wagon.
Unfortunately, it’s not as easy finding a tailor for life as it is finding a hairstylist. After all, you’ve had thousands of haircuts. The world of tailoring is probably new to you. With that conundrum in mind let’s run down some handy tips that will help you find the tailor of your dreams.
Read Up
The first thing you should do is some basic background work. What do tailors offer? What kind of suits will you need for work anyway? Do you have weddings to plan for? You’ll need something for certain occasions.
Look up the differences in fabrics, the suit fit, and what kind of trousers you’ll want to pair with it. Nothing too deep of a dive, but enough that the rest of this process will be smoother.
Strike up a conversation
Yes, it’s like dating, if the person you were starting to see also might want to take more money from you than you really want to dole out.
Once you have your list of tailors, either give them a call or go in-person to talk with them for about 20 minutes. If they don’t want to give you that much time, then cross them off the list. A suit is an expensive purchase and your tailor should be willing to spend as much time as possible with you as you consider options.
Trust your senses.
On the off chance that you get the inclination, they're the sales rep type, attempting to push you to a more costly alternative again and again then check them off the rundown also.
The primary concern as you're meeting tailors: search for one with great relational abilities who gives you the space to settle on your own decisions yet in addition carries their insight to the table too.
Here are a couple of additional tips as you chase for a tailor:
Your fulfillment matters. A decent tailor won't attempt to persuade you you've discovered the correct fit on the off chance that you haven't proposed that first.
Seek out examples of their work and pay attention to if their style tips mesh with the trends you’ve read up on. The simple truth is some tailors get comfortable with a style that’s dated. Be on the lookout. It doesn’t mean they’re right.
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